Friday 4 May 2012

Happy Birthday Keith Haring

Google just told me it was Keith Haring's Birthday.
 Keith Haring has been my favorite artist since I was tiny and my bikes had stabilisers. Which wasn't for very long as my Dad likes to boast. Thanks to his hard core training which involved getting me down the park rain or shine with military style drills and lots of "YES, OF COURSE I'M STILL HOLDING ON" lies, I was on two wheels aged 3. Anyway, I digress.

I love the energy Haring's prints portray. The simple bold figures are always in motion, dancing, shouting, rocking out and being generally awesome. From his street art, his album covers to his many collaborations his style is still instantly recognisable and an excellent portrayal of 80s street style. I especially love the way he manages to fill every scrap of space so the backgrounds are as chaotic and fun as the main article. Here are some things that Haring has made amazing:
 1987 Cinelli Laser. You'd need a pretty hefty lock on this bad boy.
Keith Haring x Tommy Hilfiger

Chairs by Vilac. For children, I'd sit carefully and not put my full weight down.
Nicholas Kirkwood. Umm, thigh high swarovski roller skates? Yeah, I'm going to need someone to buy these for me. I promise I'll wear them EVERYDAY.
I collect vintage Swatch watches (by 'collect' I mean 'I have two'). Swatch and Keith Haring, I NEED this in my collection/ Swatch trio.

 Check out this Keith Haring/ Adidas/ Jeremy Scott amazingness.

Happy Birthday Keith Haring: 4th May 1958 - 16th February 1990 

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