Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Milkman = Maximum Points

If you play commuter bingo, you probably give yourself maximum points for seeing a milkman. Really? Just me?

Unless you go out really early in the morning or come home really early in the morning, you'll not have seen one of these guys for a while. They totally still exist though, just.

A milkman sounds like a superhero. I love them. Mostly because they are one of the only things I can ride faster than.
They don't just deliver milk these days. Find your local milkman here.Oh and this:


  1. I still see one about. He used to work for Unigate but now for some other company. Even when he was at Unigate he used to deliver OJ and yogurt. That was late 1990s.

    Benny Hill was the ultimate milkman... until it all went wrong in the 80s... Cant blame Thatcher for that one though, LOL

  2. I can not BELIEVE I did a whole post on milkmen without mentioning Benny Hill. SHAME. ON. ME. And I call myself a Brit?

  3. We've been getting our milk delivered by McQueens Dairies https://www.mcqueensdairies.co.uk/ and so far we are loving it! I've also changed the whole household to bamboo toothbrushes and reusable water bottles and coffee cups.
