Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Get your tats out// Bike Tattoos

"If your body is a temple, you may as well decorate the walls."
I don't know where I read that quote, probably off a tattoo, I get a lot of my quotes from tattoos these days.

I met this guy cycling around Mexico City. I want his tattoo. On my face. Maybe my eyes can be the wheels? Not really, I think  as a girl, getting a bicycle tattooed on me would invite unfair comparisons. Plus, I would never be able to settle on which bike to immortalise on my flesh. Urgh, 'flesh', I hate that word.

If you are a massive wuss but want to look cool, you can either get the biros out, or try one of these Tattly temporary tattoos. Because nothing needs to lasts forever. 

Tattly Temporary Tattoos $5 for a set of two.

Also, check out @Shittats top 10 shit London tattoos on the Time Out Blog.

1 comment:

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