Sunday, 21 July 2013

My TdF Traditions

Yeah, I like to paint things in homage to the Tour de France, see my Bradley W-egg-ing post as case in point. Here are this year's TdF nails.

As I can't be in Paris, I've started my own little West London TdF tradition. I know the drink associated with the Tour is champagne but I'm not that rock and roll so I started my day with a 'Tour de Force' smoothie from my local cafe/ food market Farm W5. I'm a big believer in smoothies for a natural energy boost pre exercise and often make my own but sometimes it's nice to not have to deal with the epic washing up that inevitably follows anytime I do anything kitchen based. 

Doing something two years in a row totally makes it a tradition and seeing how last year (and let's be smug already, this year) turned out, it's already a lucky ritual. 

If you can't be in Paris either, try Look Mum No Hands for some big screen Lycra action.

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