Monday, 7 October 2013

Bonkers Conkers

Jude Brosnan age 5 and a quarter.
I just found what may well be my earliest piece of writing featuring bikes in my school story book from when I was five. Ok there are just pictures of bikes but you can see the love is there. It's actually more about conkers which I also still love. Except this one conker.... A few years ago I was cycling home on a lovely autumn evening when a conker fell from a tree and split my knuckle open. Aka; my cycling injury of 2007. I still have the scar and it's why I want to wear my helmet even when i'm not on my bike.

Still, I get ridiculously excited when I see conkers because autumn is my favourite season for cycling. The air is so fresh and crisp and there are so many things to look forward to like halloween and bonfire night. If you fancy a conker fight, I'm ready and will take you down.
Also, I have this song stuck in my head:

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