Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Adios 2013

What an amazing year. I've cycled, swam and danced my way through it. 2013 has also lived up to its name and brought with it a fair share of heartbreak. In August, after a five year battle with cancer, we lost our Dad, my original bike buddy. 
As I look back I am so thankful for my amazing family and friends who have been by my side through it all. Here are some of my highlights of 2013, it was so hard to narrow it down to two per month. I can't wait to have more adventures with you all in 2014.
A 2am ride to watch the Christmas lights being taken down. The gate of a bike shop in Madrid when I ran away from the London snow.
Bonding with my Dad over ball bearings. Sneaking my bike into the lift at Time Out Tower.
My prize winning Bradley W-egg-ings & the TDF eggs.  A bike orgy outside the V&A Eat, Ride, Sleep, Repeat Friday Late.
Tweed Ride. We finally got a few days when it was sunny enough to ride to parks with picnics. Few= two.
My Birthday ride in Chapultepec Park, Mexico City.  Bikes and boats on a little trip to Yucatan
Chasing Beetles on an Ecobici. My last Reforma Sunday with friends.
Back riding around in the London sun with TDF nails. Camp Bestival, a Raleigh Shopper adventure.
Saying goodbye to Dad. With me as a baby in front of our bike shed. A beautiful memorial ride to Harrow on the Hill, what a view.
Teaching my nephew how to ride a bike in the same park my Dad taught me many years ago. One of the last jacket-less East to West rides home with friends.
My pimped up Dia de los Muertos ride. My Bikes and Beetles exhibition at Look Mum No Hands.
London to Paris.
Yes you can take a Christmas tree home on a tandem wearing a Christmas pudding helmet. Betwixtmas BMXing 
2014, you have a lot to live up to.

Happy New Year.

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