Sunday, 12 May 2013

El Coche Nos Cuesta

What cars cost us.

What an amazing weekend.Did you nail it?

Here is a nice little rest from the images of traffic and pollution that you probably associate with Mexico City. This was earlier today on Paseo de la Reforma which is closed to cars for 24km every Sunday from 7am until 2pm. It's so nice to see families and friends having some good old fashioned wholesome fun to end the weekend. Probably before going to church and watching the Antique Roadshow. The Last Sunday of every month they close an additional 35km which is even more awesome. 

Here is a great video illustrating what we are paying for excessive car use from the ITDP an international non-profit organization that promotes sustainable and equitable transportation worldwide. They work with local and national authorities to promote transportation solutions that reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, pollution, poverty, travel times, traffic accidents to improve the economic development and quality of life in the cities where they operate.

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