Thursday, 9 May 2013

Sueños Sobre Ruedas

There is this long road in Mexico City called ‘Reforma’. My brain links words to songs by association, so every time I ride along this road I sing Informer by Snow changing Informer to Reforma. Anyway, the reason I’m sharing this is because of an outdoor photography exhibition that is running along Reforma (I can’t not sing it) by Chapultepec Park called Sueños Sobre Ruedas which means Dreams on Wheels. Curated by Copenhagenize’s Mikael Colville-Andersen, this exhibition shows examples of how Mexico City’s urban cycling culture is growing and cycling is becoming a feasible travel alternative. A perfect example of this happens every Sunday when Reforma is closed for cars until 2pm allowing everyone to cycle along it without stupid cars getting in the way.These 80 pictures show the journey of urban cycling in Mexico City from 2006- 2012. It's definitely grown a lot, I can't wait to see what the city looks like in ten years.

Me and this guy. I'm wearing my version of a yellow cycling jersey. It has sequins. Obviously.
I love this colourful birds eye view print.

Maximum respect to these riders in Dia de los Muertos face paints. Good job not sweating them off.
This Señor has made his bike into a knife sharpening station. I see him everywhere. I never have my knives on me.

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